Tasmanian city of Devonport now under the India at Home's online indian grocery delivery circle

Devonport is a city located in the state of the Tasmania, Australia. The city of Devonport is situated at the mouth of Mersey River. Devonport is the major regional centre of the north-western part of the state.

The Devonport zone has rich red soils that are perfect for delivering vegetable products (Beans, Onions, Peas, Potatoes and so on.) and extremely huge estimations of oats, oil poppies, pyrethrum and other crops.

Power Boat racing has been a feature at the Devonport Annual Sports meeting held each March.

Devonport has an oceanic climate throughout the year. Summers are mild to warm with the average 20C, and the winters are cool and humid with average 8C. Most of the days from the months of January to March are pleasantly warm, averaging temperature are 20C to 25C with frequent sunshine. Winters are cool and cloudy with frequent light rain. The months between July and August are the wettest months of the year.

Accordingly the 2014 census, Devonport had a 25,546 population.

In spite of a large number of populations, Indian food ingredients are difficult to find in Devonport. Preparing your favourite Indian-dish/dish can become a distant dream when a key ingredient is not available. What if there is one online store that delivers in Devonport, where every Indian grocery is available. India at Home is that Online Indian Shop in Devonport.

Your favourite grocery store back home is now a click away here in Devonport. Order from your favourite Indian foods or ingredients all from the comfort of your home.

Is the absence of a key ingredient keeping you from cooking your favourite recipe? Order every ingredients of that recipe from India at Home.

India at Home provides home delivery of in following suburbs:

  • Aberdeen
  • Ambleside
  • Devonport
  • Don
  • East Devonport
  • Eugenana
  • Forthside
  • Highfield
  • Lillico
  • Melrose
  • Miandetta
  • Pardoe Downs
  • Pannorama Heights
  • Quoiba
  • Rannoch
  • Spreyton
  • Stony Rise
  • Paloona
  • Tugrah

 Ordering your favourite groceries from India at Home to call 1300 463 422 and tell us what's on your mind.