Quench your thirst with favorite Glucon D flavors
The glucose and electrolytes in Glucon-D help replenish your body's blood sugar and fills you up with energy so you can stay active. It is easily absorbed by the body, thus giving out an instant energy boost and refreshment.
During the summer season, enjoy Australia's breezy coastline with refreshing Glucon D flavours. Quench your thirst with these favourite Glucon D flavours like orange, Nimbu Pani and more available in 200 and 500 gm packs. You can also take flavoured Glucon D regularly to complete your daily water requirement. It is an excellent choice to heal from travel sickness, morning sickness, during pregnancy, loss of appetite, and rundown conditions. It also provides extra energy required by the body to overcome tiredness due to summer heat.
Order online and invest your precious time in other works or visit India At Home stores where shopping is like pleasure.